
澳特芙 蜂蜜 什麼是澳特芙蜂蜜?





澳特芙蜂蜜是通過PEA測試抗菌效果。 PEA是測試抗菌效果的單位。




實驗室研究和臨床試驗表明,澳特芙蜂蜜是一種有效的抗菌劑。有利於傷口和燒傷癒合過程。 並且外用它可以減輕疼痛和傷口癒合時間。澳特芙蜂蜜還可以提高體內的抗菌能力,並改善夜間咳嗽的2歲以上兒童的免疫力。

澳特芙蜂蜜採取於蜜蜂, 存儲在30C以下的溫度。







- 澳大利亞嚴格控制藥品監管。
- 澳大利亞有一個藥品兩極監管體系,它是根據風險性。
- 澳大利亞的藥品根據危險性分為兩種:危險性小的藥品(Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods-ARTG),危險性大的藥品(Registered medicines)。
- 上市的藥品跟其他藥品一樣必須生產在相同的代碼GMP下。
- 上市的藥品只包含由TGA允許在使用藥物的成分。
- 上市的藥品只限於指示和要求與衛生維護,增進健康或不嚴重,自我限制條件。通常,它們可能不是指一種疾病或情況嚴重。它是用於治療或預防。
- 關於註冊藥品的品質,安全性和有效性有個別的評價。雖然上市的藥品不單獨評估療效,贊助商必須證明它們持有的TGA的證據來支援所有為它們的產品適應症和提出的要求。這方面的證據是被TGA審核通過的。
- 出口藥品的監管確保澳大利亞提供的類似標準。
- 上市後的監管活動包括不良反映報告,廠家和實驗室檢測是確保審計品質,安全和由TGA藥品監管有效性的重要因素。


1)Honey, The Journal of Complementary Medicine 2003年1月/2月
2)Nature & Health 2001年2月/3月
3)Alive & Well The daily Telegraph Monday 2003年2月10日
4)Nature Australia Winter 2001-Phd Shona Blair, University of Sydney New Scientist 2000年10月7日
5) The Sun Herald 2001年4月15日
6) Sunday Mail  2001年4月15日
7) BBC News
8) CNN.Com
9) Australian Museum-Paul S.C Tacon

TV Channel 10-新聞 2000年7月26日
TV Channel 9-新聞 2001年4月15日
TV Channel 7-新聞 2001年4月15日
TV Channel ABC-新聞 2001年4月15日

TV Channel 7-Today Tonight 2001年4月17日
TV Channel 9-Extra 2000年7月26日
TV ABC-Quantam 2000年7月27日
TV ABC-Catalyst 2003年10月31日

What’s Mediactive honey?

Mediactive honey is a medium to semi dark amber colour with a rich and full-bodied flavour that is slightly savoury

The antibacterial activity of the honey is derived via natural enzymes in the honey. While the anti-bacterial and healing effects of honey have been known for thousands of years, Medicated honey has become popular for its medicinal properties, low glucose levels and because it is highly antimicrobial. In other words … it is a natural healing honey.

The antimicrobial quality is measured by the term of ‘Phenol in Activity ’ (pEA –Trade mark).
Mediactive honey is an antibacterial agent beneficial to wound and burn healing processes.
Scientific laboratories measure and rank its antimicrobial activity.

Mediactive honey is sourced from a tree native to Australia (Eucalyptus marginata) .
During late spring and early summer the trees produce a profusion of flowers which come alive with the buzz of bees busily collecting the rich nectar and pollens to make Mediactive honey.

Mediactive Honey can be of benefit to wounds and burns’

The secondary antibacterial activity is thought to be via the osmotic effect, as honey is a saturated solution of sugars and has osmotic, or water withdrawing, properties. Water molecules strongly react with the sugars in honey leaving little water available for microorganisms. The bacteria that cause infection are unable to survive in honey because they become dehydrated.

Mediactive honey has significantly higher antibacterial activity levels. The antibacterial activity of honey primarily comes from the presence of hydrogen peroxide generated by an enzymatic activity called glucose oxidase.

What are Listed complementary medicines on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods ?
The regulation of complementary medicines in Australia
• Australia has a two-tiered regulatory system for medicines, based on risk
• Complementary medicines available for supply in Australia are included on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) as Listed (low risk) or Registered medicines (higher risk)
• Complementary medicines must be manufactured under the same code of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) as other medicines
• Listed complementary medicines may only contain ingredients that have been assessed for safety and that are permitted for use in low risk medicines
• Listed medicines are restricted to indication and claims relating to health maintenance, health enhancement or non-serious, self-limiting conditions. Generally, they may not refer to a serious form of a disease disorder or condition or indicate they are for treatment or prevention.
• Registered complementary medicines are assessed individually for quality, safety and efficacy. Although Listed medicines are not assessed individually for efficacy, sponsors must certify that they hold evidence to support all indications and claims made for their products. This evidence may be audited at any time.
• Exported medicines are regulated to ensure that they are manufactured to a similar standard to those supplied in Australia.
• Post-market regulatory activities, including reporting of adverse reactions, audit of manufacturers and laboratory testing are an important element of ensuring the quality, safety and effectiveness of medicines regulated in Australia.